A recidivist is a person who is released from prison and who later commits another crime, or reoffends, such as a parole violation or the commission of a new crime. Recidivism rates by state vary but California is among the highest in the nation. According to a 2012 report by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, just over 65% of those released from California’s prison system return within three years. This number has not changed significantly over the years. With approximately 650,000 people leaving prison and jail a year, the vast majority faces a reality of homelessness, unemployment, and re-arrest.
BUT, there is hope.
Organizations across the country, like Rise Up Industries, are serving the prison population in creative, long-term ways to help empower individuals to successfully transition back to their communities, while also lowering recidivism rates. Effective reentry services wrap around the individual to address the various obstacles that face sometime rejoining society. From educational resources to job training, services help fill the gaps left by the criminal justice system.
These organizations are changing the lives of individuals who are better equipped to contribute value to society, and the positive effects permeate families, neighborhoods, and communities for the better.